Yi-Yang Lien
Dean of Collage of Veterinary Medicine, NPUST
Education: Auburn University, USA Ph.D
Emphasis areas: Poultry Disease, Veterinary Public Health¸ Parasitology
Poultry Diseases Research Laboratory
This laboratory consists of two units, the Poultry Diseases Research Laboratory and the Poultry Health Laboratory- Southern Taiwan Division. The Poultry Research Laboratory conducts clinical diagnosis, prevention and control of important poultry diseases. Research topics focus on the phylogenetic relationship, pathogenesis and vaccine development of chicken coccidian, chicken anemia virus and Marek ’s disease virus. The Poultry Health Laboratory- Southern Taiwan Division was set up with the support of the National Animal Industry Foundation (NAIF), which accepts the samples (serum, water, organ, etc.) from chicken farmers. After the detection using ELISA, HI, rapid plate agglutination, drug sensitivity test, total bacteria counting and PCR, the results will be provided for poultry farms to improve their immunization programs and health management. This laboratory is also authorized by the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection and Quarantine, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan (BAPHIQ) to conduct preliminary screening of avian influenza virus in poultry farms.
本實驗室包含「禽病學研究室」和「家禽保健中心南區檢驗室」兩個單位。「禽病學研究室」著重在家禽重要疾病的診斷、預防和控制,研究的主題聚焦在雞球蟲 (chicken coccidia)、雞傳染性貧血病毒 (chicken anemia virus)和馬立克病病毒(Marek’s disease virus),進行親緣關係、致病機序、疫苗開發等連貫而深入之研究。「家禽保健中心南區檢驗室」則是由「財團法人中央畜產會」經費支持而設立,接受養雞業者血清、飲水及臟器檢體樣本送檢,以ELISA、HI、快速平板凝集法、藥物敏感性試驗、水質總菌數分析、PCR等方法進行檢測,所得結果作成分析報告,提供業者作為免疫計畫成效評估、衛生管理改善之參考。本實驗室也接受行政院農委會動植物防疫檢疫局之委託,進行養禽場禽流感病毒初篩工作。