Hsu-Hsun Lee
Associtate Professor
Education: Gifu University, Japan. PhD.
Emphasis areas: Large animal disease diagnostics, Largeanimal surgical science, and Largeanimal reproductive disorders
Laboratory of Large animal diseases and reproductive disorder
The large animal diseases and reproduction laboratory(LAL) was established in 1989. The target of LAL is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of large animal diseases and reproductive disorders. In LAL, not only clinical work but also laboratory tests and other diagnostic methods are developed for enhancing the level of large animal medicine. Cattle and goat are most common case in LAL. Over 4000 cases of reproductive examination, clinical diagnosis and treatment are executed every year.
大動物疾病及繁殖障礙研究室(簡稱 大動物室)於1989年創立。研究室創立的目標,在於提升大動物疾病及家畜繁殖障礙臨床診斷、治療與預防的水準。除臨床診斷外,亦進行各項實驗室檢查,強化臨床診療之效益。本研究室也針對台灣重要之大動物臨床疾病及傳染性疾病進行研究及診斷試劑的研發。目前以牛、羊之疾病為主要診療與研究對象,每年繁殖檢診與臨床病例超過4000頭次,本研究室希望透過實作臨床診療教學與研究,期能建立一完善大動物疾病及繁殖相關之臨床診療系統與研究,提供良善教學品質,並有利於相關獸醫與畜牧業之發展。